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Join us

WECA is open to and welcomes residents (owners and renters alike), friends of Kurilpa, community organisations, and local businesses to join with us in our initiatives.

Residents and friends of Kurilpa can become members of WECA to:

    • Support and engage with WECA's activities
    • Get support from and collaborate with other members for a local project
    • Have a say on what WECA does and how we operate.

Memberships are available for individuals, concession card holders, households and organisations and/or business. Membership payments are recurring and cease upon cancellation.

If you would like to learn more about Kurilpa and all things 4101. Here’s a great article on the boundaries and natural history of Kurilpa by local historian Paul Granville titled ‘Kurilpa – Water, Water, Everywhere’ at this link. Paul regularly posts articles on his page Highgate Hill and its History

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Acknowledgement of Country

WECA acknowledges that sovereignty was never ceded and we are humbled to live and play in Kurilpa, owned and cared for by the Jagera and Turrbal peoples.



PO Box 3898          West End 4101

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